Wednesday 29 January 2014

Plan for changing the world!

My prayer today is that everyone become free of religious thought. That everyone becomes free of the control that religions feel a need to have (through fear of exclusion from heaven) over those who join them. 

And that everyone on the planet becomes aware of the God in their heart, which is their own unique connection with God, that no one else has, and that is there especially for them with God. 

The whole purpose of life is to share it with God. Your god created you, in the special and unique way that you are, so that you could share with him/her your experiences on earth.

All religions have words of great wisdom within them, but unfortunately no religion practices what they actually preach, and know in their hearts to be true. 

God is a God of love, and will never be anything else, so the most basic principle of each religion has to be "harm no one". But really "harming no one" is only the most basic of starts, because true religion would say "love everyone" without exception. 

Why would it say this? 

This is because we are each part of the same God, and therefore we are all one. If I hurt you, in reality I hurt myself as well. And the reason for all the pain and suffering on the planet is simply this, we haven't learnt the basic ways of being part of God.

So how can each person connect with their part of God. It is very simple. All you have to do is to practice love. What does that mean you say? Again, the answer is very simple.

In every circumstance in your life, regardless of how challenging it is, ask the simple question of yourself. "What would my love do now?"

Again.........."What would my love do now?"

If it feels more comfortable you can ask what would my God do now, or what would Jesus do now, or what would Yahweh, Krishna, Mohamed, the best person that I know, do now.

In making this commitment to love, you change your world, and you change the world of all those you share the world with. You also begin to share your world with God.

As every person in the world begins to share their world with God, and becomes connected with their god within again, then the world will change. Then the decisions that are made will be so much more fruitful in terms of the pleasure and the joy of living on this planet. 

We will then naturally create businesses for the good of all, we will do what is good for the planet as well as ourselves, and we will help each other to know better our connection with God. And honesty, or truth, will become the mainstay of everything that we do. For when we are connected with love, then love is truth is beauty.

This is the plan for changing the world. May you enjoy your part in it!

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