Wednesday 15 January 2014

How do you solve the worlds problems?

We solve all the problems if everyone in the world sat down quietly with themselves,with their heart open to their inner guidance system, called spirit, god, your higher self, Jesus, Krishna, Mohamed, Allah, Yahweh, and asked our inner guide what (in love, because it is only love when you talk to god) does my heart tell me to do next, to do with this situation..............

If we all did this and then shared our thoughts with each other, the world changes for the good of each of us, and for the good of all of us..........

This is the only way we will ever get to have the world we all want in our hearts. Share this and do it yourself......invite the light that is the god in your heart, whatever you call him or her, into everything you do and know you are on the road to being a free spirit who is fulfilling all your potential. Know when you ask for god's light to come in, it is done...

And know you too are god. God knows you, but do you know him/her, and do you see god in everyone else too.............then we change everything...........

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