Saturday 18 January 2014

Love yourself if you want to connect with god

2000 years ago Jesus said it. "Love your neighbour, as yourself." In other words as well as you can love yourself, so you can love your neighbour that much! But it also means if you love your neighbour then you will naturally be able to love yourself as much as that.

Why did Jesus, who never wanted a religion named after him because he knew how dangerous that was, say this? Because we are all one, all part of the same god, and we are all children of god. Everyone of us is equally important, regardless of any religious faith or belief system, and of course regardless of nationality or race.

So if we all connect again with our unique connection with god, which we find in our heart, then we will naturally remember to love our neighbour, and if we are open to accepting "being part of god", then of course we are incredibly loveable! For everyone one of us is part of our God, however we choose to know him or her...

And if we are to love our neighbour, another hint from Jesus to help us along the way. Judge no one (less you be judged). No one should judge anyone, unless they have walked in their shoes, and then they wouldn't anyway! 

Love all, for this is how you bring love to you, and it is how you open the door to God's light and love coming into your life with great power. You don't have to be good to invite God in, because he is waiting for you whoever you are. Wherever you start from never matters, all that matters is you remember who you really are, a unique aspect of God here to explore God's love in your part of the world. And when you invite gods light in, in your own way, no special tricks, and then send it out to all you know, your world will change for the better for ever! Try it and see! Do it everyday once a day....

And when we all do it then the world will begin to make some good decisions about itself. It's certainly time it did :)

For some ideas to change the world try


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