Friday 31 January 2014

Being connected :)

So how does it feel to be connected to God? 

Well everyone is, and for each person it is a different experience full of new and expanding joys. No matter what you have or don't have, you do have this connection with love, or god, if you want to use it. And if you make the connection consciously it will bring you everything that people search their whole lives for. At the end of it all love is all we are here to experience. You are in a partnership with your God, for he/she is experiencing life through you (it's why you are here), and the experiences that always connect are those where love is at the heart of what is going on.

And no matter what anyone does to you, you can still choose love in your life, in the inner you. In your heart you can choose all the love you want, especially when you ask your God to help you be connected to this love. Forgive all, forget all pain and live love. Not easy, but always possible............

So ask yourself now, "What can my love do now?" Who can I send up a prayer for, who can I ask God to send light to (especially those you have "issues" with!). And of course ask for God's light to shine in your life and bring you all the love you need to be happy. 

Give out love and love will always come back to you. 

Everything else you do is simply a mistake.............. 

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Plan for changing the world!

My prayer today is that everyone become free of religious thought. That everyone becomes free of the control that religions feel a need to have (through fear of exclusion from heaven) over those who join them. 

And that everyone on the planet becomes aware of the God in their heart, which is their own unique connection with God, that no one else has, and that is there especially for them with God. 

The whole purpose of life is to share it with God. Your god created you, in the special and unique way that you are, so that you could share with him/her your experiences on earth.

All religions have words of great wisdom within them, but unfortunately no religion practices what they actually preach, and know in their hearts to be true. 

God is a God of love, and will never be anything else, so the most basic principle of each religion has to be "harm no one". But really "harming no one" is only the most basic of starts, because true religion would say "love everyone" without exception. 

Why would it say this? 

This is because we are each part of the same God, and therefore we are all one. If I hurt you, in reality I hurt myself as well. And the reason for all the pain and suffering on the planet is simply this, we haven't learnt the basic ways of being part of God.

So how can each person connect with their part of God. It is very simple. All you have to do is to practice love. What does that mean you say? Again, the answer is very simple.

In every circumstance in your life, regardless of how challenging it is, ask the simple question of yourself. "What would my love do now?"

Again.........."What would my love do now?"

If it feels more comfortable you can ask what would my God do now, or what would Jesus do now, or what would Yahweh, Krishna, Mohamed, the best person that I know, do now.

In making this commitment to love, you change your world, and you change the world of all those you share the world with. You also begin to share your world with God.

As every person in the world begins to share their world with God, and becomes connected with their god within again, then the world will change. Then the decisions that are made will be so much more fruitful in terms of the pleasure and the joy of living on this planet. 

We will then naturally create businesses for the good of all, we will do what is good for the planet as well as ourselves, and we will help each other to know better our connection with God. And honesty, or truth, will become the mainstay of everything that we do. For when we are connected with love, then love is truth is beauty.

This is the plan for changing the world. May you enjoy your part in it!

Friday 24 January 2014

The only plan we need!

In my humble opinion, the only way we will be able to get the world to operate as it was planned to, by those who created it, is for every single person on the planet to make the effort in their life to connect with their idea of God.

God is always a god of love. He/she is ONLY a god of love, and every other energy we experience is our creation.

Where there is not love there is pain. Where there is not heart there is hurt. Where there is not love there is much suffering. Lack of love leads to pain, suffering, anger, anxiety and fear. The only way we can create the life we want is from love. This will be when we have remembered who we are in our hearts, and connected with our god again.

So the theme for this world that is necessary if we are to end suffering and pain and lack of what people need, which effects most of the world, is for every single person to connect with their god. It will bring joy and happiness naturally, and it will create the solutions to all our earth problems, both in terms of fighting each other and in terms of living with each other. The god of love is in everyones heart. We only have to ask to be connected. 

This is the only plan the world needs. We need to create a world where we encourage each other to connect with god and then listen to each other when we say this is what we feel we hear. This way all will change. If we listen and ask to hear what god in each other has to say, our god will speak through us to another part of god. 

Everyone is equally valuable when connected with god. 

God is love and we will know when we are connecting when we hear the loving voice in our heads. Let go of all pain in this moment and invite god in. This is how your world will change. Do it everyday, as often as you can, and your world will change, as will the world for all those around you.

Take the time every day and bless your world by inviting your god into your life. Remember he is a friend, the best one you have. Talk to him/her as a friend, as a lover. And know you are blessed in this moment.

Monday 20 January 2014

If I am to connect with god, what do I need to do

First of all remember he/she is a god of love. God never judges you. You judge yourself. God is always waiting for you to contact him/her, and the moment you do you will begin to change everything in your life. 

It does not need to separate you from those you love, but you may not choose the same things. 

In god's love you have no enemies, no one you cannot forgive, no one that you wish to judge harshly. All people are simply souls lost on their path home to the god in their heart, and all you have done is taken a step into your heart - you can't take it for another, but your example (not by telling anyone but by being more of the true heart you) will inspire them to make their own connection too. 

God is part of every single person, and if we see those who hurt as being hurt, and those who heart as being heart, then you will know that anyone who tries to hurt you also does not make it right, but it means you can be free of the pain of hate and anger and frustration. Love all and know you are connected with your god in your heart..........and then wait for the miracles to happen as you bring this connection with your part of god into all of your life. 

They will happen if you invite god in every day..........and become the real you again..........

Saturday 18 January 2014

Love yourself if you want to connect with god

2000 years ago Jesus said it. "Love your neighbour, as yourself." In other words as well as you can love yourself, so you can love your neighbour that much! But it also means if you love your neighbour then you will naturally be able to love yourself as much as that.

Why did Jesus, who never wanted a religion named after him because he knew how dangerous that was, say this? Because we are all one, all part of the same god, and we are all children of god. Everyone of us is equally important, regardless of any religious faith or belief system, and of course regardless of nationality or race.

So if we all connect again with our unique connection with god, which we find in our heart, then we will naturally remember to love our neighbour, and if we are open to accepting "being part of god", then of course we are incredibly loveable! For everyone one of us is part of our God, however we choose to know him or her...

And if we are to love our neighbour, another hint from Jesus to help us along the way. Judge no one (less you be judged). No one should judge anyone, unless they have walked in their shoes, and then they wouldn't anyway! 

Love all, for this is how you bring love to you, and it is how you open the door to God's light and love coming into your life with great power. You don't have to be good to invite God in, because he is waiting for you whoever you are. Wherever you start from never matters, all that matters is you remember who you really are, a unique aspect of God here to explore God's love in your part of the world. And when you invite gods light in, in your own way, no special tricks, and then send it out to all you know, your world will change for the better for ever! Try it and see! Do it everyday once a day....

And when we all do it then the world will begin to make some good decisions about itself. It's certainly time it did :)

For some ideas to change the world try


Wednesday 15 January 2014

How do you solve the worlds problems?

We solve all the problems if everyone in the world sat down quietly with themselves,with their heart open to their inner guidance system, called spirit, god, your higher self, Jesus, Krishna, Mohamed, Allah, Yahweh, and asked our inner guide what (in love, because it is only love when you talk to god) does my heart tell me to do next, to do with this situation..............

If we all did this and then shared our thoughts with each other, the world changes for the good of each of us, and for the good of all of us..........

This is the only way we will ever get to have the world we all want in our hearts. Share this and do it yourself......invite the light that is the god in your heart, whatever you call him or her, into everything you do and know you are on the road to being a free spirit who is fulfilling all your potential. Know when you ask for god's light to come in, it is done...

And know you too are god. God knows you, but do you know him/her, and do you see god in everyone else too.............then we change everything...........

Friday 10 January 2014

It's all about prayer

So let us enter the magical realm of is the knowing between you and God, it is the connection with God that allows you to ask for anything for anyone, for all, for individuals, and if you wish for you fact prayer works best when you start with asking god for his/her light for you...........

Prayer works best when the context of you as a child of god is appreciated in the context of all children of god......  we are all independent and interdependent, and we all have one creative source, who is also our best friend. We are all equally valuable with special gifts to give to our fellow travelers.

Here are some thoughts to ponder

1. We are all one with god, and asking for anything is asking for all...............god and his helpers have to help if you ask, and when it is resonant with god's love then the prayer has real power................

2. When you ask for help for someone, know that you are helping them, to help themselves, to help all become a more connected and complete part of God. 

3. Prayer is for gods love to be made real on earth and in every is for the creative spark (that is your connection with god) to connect and make for the best experience possible from the place you start from now............Invite god in and ask "what would my love do now?" in this situation - in any situation!

So prayer is always best when it is asked for the good of the individual AND for the good of all. There are no exceptions to the all, for we are all parts of god. Then god's power can come in fully behind what you ask for.

Sunday 5 January 2014

The only answer – Unconditional Love

Earth is a failed experiment for one reason, and one reason only....we do not have love at the centre of every decision. In heaven ''unconditional love'' is the natural environment. It is in perfect balance as all are equal in value, all are equally loved, all things are possible for all.

At the heart of life in heaven is ''creating your own reality'', so the forever question is "what do you want to do next, for the good of you, and the good of all?"................each being is known as a creative and unique part of god, exploring god's potential.

Because on earth, love is not at the heart of every law and rule and approach to life, the earth is out of balance and on a self destructive course. That is normal for anything in life that is out of balance. It's existence becomes very painful and it will in time self destruct. But when you are in it and part of it, caught up in the pain that is often life on earth, it is hard to see, and almost impossible to change. This is the situation we all find ourselves in.

We cannot see what we do, and we have one way out, and one way only.

We have to embrace unconditional love and honesty at the centre of all our laws, decisions, choices, religions, politics, health, food, travel, energy, business, friendships and families. Everything. All work, rest, and play..................

And it begins with each of us as we embrace our own unique connection with god.........for this is the only way we will put ourselves in a position to change the world as it needs to change.

God says bless you as you connect with me again. For you are blessed!

Making your connection stronger and more clear

So how do you strengthen your connection with god? How do you make it more real each day.

The simple answer is sit quietly and invite in the light.

What does that mean practically. It means that you need to find five minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, as long as you can afford to sit down on your own quietly. And then you need to invite in the light. There are infinite ways of doing this, and none are better than another. What is important is that the method you choose is the one that feels right to you, in your heart.

Maybe you can imagine yourself in the spotlight, like an actor on stage. In this picture the spotlight would be gods light which you are inviting in. Or maybe you can imagine yourself being plugged in to a source of light, like a plug into a light socket. Or again maybe you can see yourself in a cylinder of light coming down from above. Or lying on a beach bathing in God's light. Or turning the floodlights on so that you can see again in the game of life.

Sit quietly and invite in your creators Light. Gods light. And ask your version of God what it is that you can best both do together. And listen to the answer, and know it is God speaking when it is of love and kindness, and gentleness and peace.

Saturday 4 January 2014

When love shines through

A song about your connection with your god :)

God is your best friend

In some Asian traditions God can be whatever you want him to be - your Father, Mother, brother sister, master, servant, uncle.....however you choose. 

What is important is that god is in your heart. When you ask "What would my love do now?", in this situation, any situation you find yourself in, you connect with the god in your heart for a moment. 

Now make it a conscious process, for this is how you change your world. Once your connection with god is made in your awareness, then you can talk with him/her all the time. No one else need know! But you will get some answers you never thought of, and you will find your various meetings will all go much better when you take god in with you. 

Bless you! May your god's grace go with you! 

Friday 3 January 2014

Letting go of fear means letting in love

Letting go of the fears in your life means saying thank you life for this lesson, I have now understood why I have invited this experience into my life, and I let it go now..............Every experience can teach you about how to connect with your love again, your god within fact all experience is ultimately designed to bring you back to your connection with god! For without this connection in your life it is inevitable that the things you choose to do will bring you more pain and suffering to add to what you already have.........but with god's connection made, with the question "What would my love do now" on your lips, then this will not happen. You will be inviting happiness and joy into your life.............bit by little bit until it takes over from that fear................bless you and let go of that fear. Ask God that is your friend to help.

Thursday 2 January 2014

Can you imagine

When we get to heaven we will find that not only are we connected with everyone and everything, but that whatever we want/need to fulfill something we feel in our heart is ours to have, to create with. In other words what we wish for we have. We literally create our reality through our thoughts.

This is true here too. We create our own reality, and once we see that, and choose to remember our connection with god again by going deep into our heart, then we can actually create heaven on earth.

So imagine if everyone connected with their part of god in this way. Maybe we could then create the world where everyone has what they need and want to fulfill their potential. Maybe we can make that real once we connect back to our god again. Do it now and help change your world and the world! Bless you for even thinking about this :)

Wednesday 1 January 2014

The big picture for connection with your god

We cannot make good decisions if love is not at the heart of the decision we make. This is why the big picture is to ask every single soul in the world to make their own unique connection with god..........then everyone will change everyone they are with through being connected. Imagine sharing decisions with those who are connected with god consciously and openly. Not the god of religion that separates and says our god is better than yours, but the god within that is special to everyone, and can guide you completely through this life in a way that brings joy to you and all..........

If everyone can make this connection then watch the world change. you can do your bit now by making that choice to connect with your best friend in your heart. Speak to him/her and know you are heard, and listen to hear what love says when it speaks to you!

Enjoy your connection with god in 2014!