Wednesday 10 September 2014

The truth of life - you create your own reality!

The basic truths of life are very simple.

You have the gift of the creative potential of God living within you all the time.

You create your own reality.

You can do this unconsciously or consciously. Put another way, what you give out is what you get back. If you give out fear and hate and anger, then you will always get back fear and hate and anger. If you give out love all the time, then you will always get love back.

It is not complicated. You create your own reality because you are part of God. And God gives you total free will to create as you wish.

If you are not sure how this works in your life, then do the following simple test.

Think about everyone that is in your life, especially your family, friends and at those at work, and give them marks out of 10.

You are scoring them for how much you like them.
Then list for each person, especially in your family, what it is you like about them, and what it is you don't like about them.

Every single person in the world is a mirror back to you of you. Just as you are a mirror for them.

Every single person is a mirror back to you of how you create your reality.

How does this work?

What you see in them, both good and bad, is a reflection back to you of who you are. What you see as good in them is what you are trying to become, and what you see in them that you dont like is what you are healing, or need to heal, in yourself.

This is a big subject, but these are the essential truths....

Enjoy creating your own reality. And where you find pain and suffering know that with love you can change everything.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

The most powerful prayer: Asking god, what it would be good to ask him to send love and light to?

The Most Powerful Prayer

This blog is all about the importance of everyone making their own unique connection with their idea of god.......god has limitless names, and we each have our own unique and special for us ways of connecting with him/her....

When everyone makes this connection then the world will change to a world based on our oneness and love for each other and ourselves. However, we need to each connect with our version of god to make this possible........

And because we have all become too separate from god this connecting with God is a very powerful thing to do in our lives. For it connects you back with the power that is rightly yours. 

Working with god, you can together move mountains, if you want to.

But now god has given us an even more powerful way of changing the world back to what it originally was conceived to be, a creative, limitless, place of oneness, joy, bliss and love. From a human point of view we will all be of equal value, equally loved and appreciated "as we each are". We will live in a world where all is one, and where all can follow their loving dream in their heart without exception, supported by everyone else.

What is this new way?

God says please ask me, what I would like to send love and light to on your planet, to make it as one again. I will tell you, and then you ask me to send love and light to what I have told you. In this way I can see where the energy is needed, but I need you to ask me from earth, as I cannot impose on you on earth.

Here is how it might work....

"Hello dear god, what would you like to send love and light to?"

"Hello dear friend of god, I would like you to ask me to send love and light to this (god will name it in your mind). For this example lets say it is children.

So you then say, dear god please send love and light to all children in the world.

This transforms the power of prayer to make it for the good of you, the good of all, and also what god would like to happen for the good of us all.

It is the ultimate powerful prayer that will move mountains.

You are very blessed if you pray in this selfless way, and you bless the world too.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

The Grand Cross April 23, 2014. This is the time to connect with god

The Grand Cross April 23, 2014
Time to connect with god

All parts of this great experiment on planet earth are ready to change. 

And God in my heart says "I'm opening every heart to their God within now; I am activating their connection with me, with God." How exciting is that! And of course with this grand Cross being experienced and celebrated now, all connections with God can come to pass, regardless of any religion. "For all are part of me" says God in my heart.

Look a little more at what it all means.

This Grand Cross seems to be so much more significant, as it is a time when deep meaning can be found. And the deepest meaning that anyone can find is their own unique and special connection with God within. 

This can be the moment when every single soul begins to feel their own connection with God again. To remember all of who they each are. This achievement can change the world, and all the troubles that come out of not being connected with God, will start to fade.

Every person can help with prayer, by asking the God in their heart, your god, to send light and love to every single soul to help them in this change.

This change is the most meaningful change that there can be in your lifetime. 

The very heart of this Grand Cross change is today April 23rd 2014, when Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn all meet. Astrologers say this moment in time has "the potential for a new and profound rebirth."

This is exactly what we can all be creating together, by joining together to send the best energy to the planet at this time of change. It goes to every single soul, such that every single soul, without exception, will feel this change. Every one! This creation in the sky, this energy of the Grand Cross, can create the following according to astrologers:

Harmonious flow......
We find alternative ways to deal with our problems.....
We dig deeper into our own soul to discover a truer freedom hidden within.....
Facing a darkness we may not have accepted yet, one that can awaken a deeper understanding of our own intrinsic worth and self-less values......
Have the faith to rely on something greater.....
Provides the fuel for deep transformation......

Challenging times for sure but also liberating ones......

Let us all be blessed on this special day :)

Friday 11 April 2014

Connecting with god is the answer to all the questions. Love is the answer, what's the question?

We start at the time when the souls on earth chose to close the door to perfect balance (see "The Fall" by Michael Reccia). This was the time when man became separate from God.  It is the Adam and Eve and the Apple moment. The start of the fall, the separation from God through our choices, the loss of living our oneness with each other.

Out of this separation came an awareness of many energies from God that were missing. These had to be replaced by taking from nature, and taking from each other. Those who naturally took positions of leadership and power, which were not ever meant to be at the expense of others, took on those roles. Thus the few benefitted at the cost of the many. Over time we have created the present imbalanced world in terms of resources that we have now. 100 have as much resource as 3 1/2 billion people.

Many now suffer from the fear that comes from lack of basic resources. Maslow's hierarchy of needs in life, is in fact a hierarchy of "the basics people lack" for many people on earth. In other words lack of safety, lack of a home, lack of food, lack of water. And as these basic physical needs are met then the lack extends into mental/emotional areas such as self esteem, creativity etc.

These Maslow needs (of what he called exemplary people)  are all natural ways of being (needs that are met) that are present when a soul is connected with God. In God's world love is taken for granted, self esteem is who you are, and all your basic needs are naturally met. Whatever you need to fulfil the destiny of your unique connection with God is available to you. Every soul knows they are connected to every other soul, and so naturally act from that knowing.

So the answer to Earth's problems is to connect everyone back to God again. Once these connections have been made, then every individual that is connected will make much better decisions for the good of themselves, and for the good of all. All decisions with God, or our heart, at the centre, are always for "the good of all" as well as "the good of ourselves". Thus, as people who are connected with their god work and talk with each other they will make the best decisions for their society and the world as a whole.

So the only step we have to take as a planet, is for every soul to remember and make again their connection with God.

Every single soul on the planet has a unique and special, and completely individual, connection with God to be explored. No one else has the same connection as anyone else. We are each a unique mix of potential that comes from our creator. And when we make this connection, then all our dreams can come true. All that we feel in our hearts can become real. And the God that you will get to know you will find is your best friend, is always there in your heart waiting for you, and will always help.

Equally this god, that is unique to you, will want to harm no one, because we are all connected, and will always work for the good of you and for the good of all.

So in order to begin to make this connection, we need to see what it is within us that is getting in the way. This is where the idea of "celebration of fear" comes into its own. Whatever you are most fearful of in your life is what points to the greater you. It points to the individual strengths that you have that the true you would like to be able to express, in love, from your heart, for the good of you and all.

As we invite love into our lives, by inviting our connection with God to become stronger, then all that is of fear will start to come out of us and  emerge. Initially it can feel very challenging, but if you know that it simply is a light to highlight "what you most want to be and do", then it becomes much easier to let go of the fear and take the goodness from it.

Celebrate your fear as your guide to who you really are. Think of fear as your heart's way of "helping you get through"/coping without your connection with God being known to you. Your fears are to be celebrated as the wonderful guides they are to who you really are.

The miser whose strength is making money, is fearful of losing his money, and keeps it all to himself. He has a fear of loss of his money that he has attracted or created for himself. When he celebrates his fear he then gives his money away, and in sharing with others finds the greatest love that was missing in his life. And of course he doesn't lose his natural skill of attracting more money. So he is now in a win-win situation.

In this story he has let God into his life, and God has guided him to let his money be shared with those in need, and in so doing God connects through the miser with other souls, and love flows both ways. And so the miser finds all the joy and love and bliss he was searching for in keeping his money safe.

This is the same story with all our fears. When we turn them on their heads, and look at the flip side, with our heart open, then we will see exactly what it is that our fear is pointing us to.

Love what you most fear, and the light of love means that the shadow of fear disappears. If everyone does this then their connection with God, their unique connection with God that is special only to them, will become clear and strong. Then the world will change, and all will make good decisions for the good of all and themselves.

And so it is.


Wednesday 26 March 2014

If you want something, give it away - making choices in life....

If you want something, give it away. If you need or want more money, then give it away. If you need or want more love, then give it away. Energy flows, and when you give energy away it is replaced naturally in the free-flowing way of things. If you open a tap, then the header tank fills up again. If you take water from a stream it fills up again. And so on!

This is all about what happens when you separate from gods energy, and what happens when you join with it. 

When you are separate from it things happen unconsciously, and when you are connected with God's energy, then life is a conscious process.

This is all about bringing your choices into a conscious process.

But let us start at the beginning. You, and each of us, come from God. This is true whether we accept it or not. This God has nothing to do with religion, but is the God in each and every person's heart.

In one sense it doesn't matter whether you accept gods existence or not, because the same rules apply to everyone.

The basic rule that applies to everyone is that "like attracts like", "what you are is what you attract", and "what you wish for is what you attract" too.

This is because, as a part of God you left him/her as an individualised soul, with the job of exploring the potential of this unique aspect that is you. In the heavens, on earth too, whatever was your wish.

It was a joyous agreement!

Whatever you experience you feed back to God. And God's way of enabling the progress of this individual soul is to give you whatever it is that you wish. He/she is after all a God of love. So your wish is his/her command.

God does not know pain or suffering of any kind, but he/she does know love, which means always giving you what you wish for/want.

So if you approach God believing that you are not worthy, that you have no money, that you have no health, that you have no love, then these are the things that he will let you have more of. You will feel even more not worthy, you will have even less health, you will have even less money, and you will have less love. 

It is what you asked for by being this way.

And if you approach God believing that you have all the love/money/health you need, then that too will be your wish that comes true. For you show God that you have everything you need by giving it away, and by doing this then more will naturally come to you, because that is the flow of things, the way of things, as explained at the start.

What you are, what you believe, is what you want for yourself, and you will naturally attract to yourself. It is the unspoken reality of our life on earth, and our life in heaven, and the planetary systems beyond.

Our goal, as part of love, is to be who we are. So we attract to ourselves "more of who we are" by "being who we are". If we act in a way that is "not really who we are", then we will attract more of "what is not really who we are".

This is our unspoken, and often forgotten, contract with our creator, God. Our role is simply to be the best of who we are.

No one else can be the same as us, and in fulfilling our plan, our natural way of being, we add to the whole exactly what is needed. No one else can offer what we do!

We feed back to God our experiences, without realising we are doing it, and god will experience everything that we experience that is of love. Anything that is not of love God does not recognise, or know, or experience. Pain, suffering and fear are not part of love.

However he/she does allow us to make these non loving choices, because as we said right at the beginning, we attract "what we are", or "who we are in the way we live our life".

And we can change the choices we make at any time.

We can change from "unloving choices" to "loving choices" at any time that we choose. This is our will being expressed. It is our choice, our will, and no one else can make us do anything different.

And whatever we choose through the way we are, God will give us more, whether we think we want it or not. That is the plan, that is the law of the universe, that is the agreement that we have in all the universes, whether we remember it or not.

Note the terms "loving choices" and "non-loving choices".

It is the energy with which we make the choices that we have more of.

We can choose to love ourselves, we can choose to love others, we can choose to love those we hate, we can choose to love those we love even more. Equally we can choose to dislike ourselves, we can choose to dislike others, we can choose to dislike anyone and everyone that comes into our life.

Whichever choice we make this is what we will have more off until we choose differently.

It is this simple.

It is not complicated.

So when each person chooses to connect with their idea of God, they are choosing to connect with something that they are already connected to. When you make that choice conscious, then it has much more potential for you to get what you really want. When you leave that choice of being connected with God unconscious, then you have to be very careful what you wish for!

This is at the heart of everything that happens to us in our life on earth. It is also true of our life in heaven after we leave this life.

The choice is yours, the choice is always yours.

Sunday 2 March 2014

The great power we have of unlimited potential

Everyone has unlimited potential that can be realised on earth, but they need first of all to be free of the energy of what Jung called the "Collective Unconscious", the conditioned responses society has deemed as necessary, that we take on without thinking. 

To become free, each person needs to go within and find "their own version of God" in their hearts. There is no right or wrong way of doing this for each person, as each person is their own pathway to God.

However, everyone is likely to need a little help in  getting started connecting with "their own version of God", and the way to do that is universal for all.

Inviting unconditional love energy into the thinking about your connection with God is the best way to start. Think of love as kindness, gentleness, peace, joy, and happiness and invite all those energies into this moment. And then say to your god I would like to speak to you and I'm listening to what you have to tell me, thank you.

You can ask your god a question, or you can simply ask him / her to speak with you and give you guidance.

And then know that the first loving thought that comes into your head is your God speaking to you.

If it is a painful thought, an anxious thought, an angry thought, or any thought that is not peaceful and loving, then know it is not God speaking to you; but it is god helping to clear out what is in the way.

This is how you know when God is speaking to you. You know when it is a loving thought. Your god only speaks from love, whether his name is Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed, Allah, Yahweh, Vishnu, or any other special name of God.

This is how you will change your world, and it is how everyone in the world will change their world, and the whole world too.

Making "your own connection with your god" is the key to the world changing. Once everyone has begun to live with this connection, and to listen carefully to what their God is telling them, then the world, individually and collectively, will make much better choices and decisions.

For each persons true God is only ever a God of love.

The next fundamental step in changing the world is for each person to pray for everyone they know.

The prayer can be anything good that you would like to see happen for that person, but essentially the biggest prayer you could make for anyone is to ask for them to be "connected to their God "within.

When they begin to feel their connection with God inside, they will make better, warmer, kinder, more positive decisions in their life and so benefit themselves and all those they are with.

So the process to change the world is very simple. Make "your own connection with your god", and then pray for everyone else to have that connection made for them to.

Monday 24 February 2014

The story behind our need to connect with our God, and bring in the light

Let us examine the beginnings of our time on earth. The time when Adam and Eve and the serpent and the Apple were there in the garden. This is the symbolic reminder of how man and God became more separate than they were originally planned to be.

In the garden of Eden, God said, please do not eat the apple. It was not a command, it was a request. In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had everything. They didn't need to eat, they were friends with everything in the garden, and all was one. God's energy fed them with personal energy, and it was all they needed. As you will find it is in heaven when you return there.

But Eve was tempted by the serpent to eat the apple. And the result was that in that moment of eating the apple the oneness with everything was destroyed. No longer was man and woman living in the natural energy of gods creation, but had separated themselves from the creation through choosing to harm/eat a part of it. This is symbolic of our separation from nature, our present state of existing on earth.

This was also the point of separation from our creator, God, and is the source of all of our anxiety, suffering, pain and fear today. Our whole existence now is geared to survival, rather than pleasure and enjoying the garden of Eden. Eating is a major preoccupation, as is earning enough money to pay for the food. Work and eating are at the heart of all that we do on earth. We now have to exploit and take from nature to survive, and once that process has started, then many choices that are "not of love" begin to be made.

By "not of love" we mean choices that do not recognise the oneness of all things.

So from that time to this, man has lived in the chaos of  a world disconnected from its creator, God. Once you take one step away from oneness and love, then the next step means that you have begun to lose your way back. Exploiting another, or others, for our own needs is no longer seen as a harmful thing. Our Oneness with each other is not recognised or appreciated. This is why less than 100 people in the world own as much as 3 1/2 billion people. The balance has been lost, love has been lost as a motivating force, and we are all separate from each other, looking after our own needs as the primary focus, and usually at the expense of others.

It is why we feel so lost, so lonely, so confused by the world that we live in.

It is our creation but we have no idea that we have made this world we live in.

But there is an answer, there is a way back! All is not lost!

All we have to do is ask to be connected with our idea (our version) of God again, and to ask for gods light to come into our lives, and into the lives of everyone on the planet. When we all do this the world will change. It will begin to revert to the world where we stand in the garden of Eden again. We will have created heaven on earth.

All we will have done is remembered who we really are, and connected back again with God, our creator and very best friend. Fear, sadness, pain, struggle, loneliness and loss, and all that goes with what is "not of love" will begin to disappear from our lives.

And the earth will become again as it was originally planned to be.

So remember you too are part of God, and remember to ask for gods light to come into your life and into all lives.