Monday 24 February 2014

The story behind our need to connect with our God, and bring in the light

Let us examine the beginnings of our time on earth. The time when Adam and Eve and the serpent and the Apple were there in the garden. This is the symbolic reminder of how man and God became more separate than they were originally planned to be.

In the garden of Eden, God said, please do not eat the apple. It was not a command, it was a request. In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had everything. They didn't need to eat, they were friends with everything in the garden, and all was one. God's energy fed them with personal energy, and it was all they needed. As you will find it is in heaven when you return there.

But Eve was tempted by the serpent to eat the apple. And the result was that in that moment of eating the apple the oneness with everything was destroyed. No longer was man and woman living in the natural energy of gods creation, but had separated themselves from the creation through choosing to harm/eat a part of it. This is symbolic of our separation from nature, our present state of existing on earth.

This was also the point of separation from our creator, God, and is the source of all of our anxiety, suffering, pain and fear today. Our whole existence now is geared to survival, rather than pleasure and enjoying the garden of Eden. Eating is a major preoccupation, as is earning enough money to pay for the food. Work and eating are at the heart of all that we do on earth. We now have to exploit and take from nature to survive, and once that process has started, then many choices that are "not of love" begin to be made.

By "not of love" we mean choices that do not recognise the oneness of all things.

So from that time to this, man has lived in the chaos of  a world disconnected from its creator, God. Once you take one step away from oneness and love, then the next step means that you have begun to lose your way back. Exploiting another, or others, for our own needs is no longer seen as a harmful thing. Our Oneness with each other is not recognised or appreciated. This is why less than 100 people in the world own as much as 3 1/2 billion people. The balance has been lost, love has been lost as a motivating force, and we are all separate from each other, looking after our own needs as the primary focus, and usually at the expense of others.

It is why we feel so lost, so lonely, so confused by the world that we live in.

It is our creation but we have no idea that we have made this world we live in.

But there is an answer, there is a way back! All is not lost!

All we have to do is ask to be connected with our idea (our version) of God again, and to ask for gods light to come into our lives, and into the lives of everyone on the planet. When we all do this the world will change. It will begin to revert to the world where we stand in the garden of Eden again. We will have created heaven on earth.

All we will have done is remembered who we really are, and connected back again with God, our creator and very best friend. Fear, sadness, pain, struggle, loneliness and loss, and all that goes with what is "not of love" will begin to disappear from our lives.

And the earth will become again as it was originally planned to be.

So remember you too are part of God, and remember to ask for gods light to come into your life and into all lives.

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