Wednesday, 30 April 2014

The most powerful prayer: Asking god, what it would be good to ask him to send love and light to?

The Most Powerful Prayer

This blog is all about the importance of everyone making their own unique connection with their idea of god.......god has limitless names, and we each have our own unique and special for us ways of connecting with him/her....

When everyone makes this connection then the world will change to a world based on our oneness and love for each other and ourselves. However, we need to each connect with our version of god to make this possible........

And because we have all become too separate from god this connecting with God is a very powerful thing to do in our lives. For it connects you back with the power that is rightly yours. 

Working with god, you can together move mountains, if you want to.

But now god has given us an even more powerful way of changing the world back to what it originally was conceived to be, a creative, limitless, place of oneness, joy, bliss and love. From a human point of view we will all be of equal value, equally loved and appreciated "as we each are". We will live in a world where all is one, and where all can follow their loving dream in their heart without exception, supported by everyone else.

What is this new way?

God says please ask me, what I would like to send love and light to on your planet, to make it as one again. I will tell you, and then you ask me to send love and light to what I have told you. In this way I can see where the energy is needed, but I need you to ask me from earth, as I cannot impose on you on earth.

Here is how it might work....

"Hello dear god, what would you like to send love and light to?"

"Hello dear friend of god, I would like you to ask me to send love and light to this (god will name it in your mind). For this example lets say it is children.

So you then say, dear god please send love and light to all children in the world.

This transforms the power of prayer to make it for the good of you, the good of all, and also what god would like to happen for the good of us all.

It is the ultimate powerful prayer that will move mountains.

You are very blessed if you pray in this selfless way, and you bless the world too.

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